Saturday, April 21, 2007

It is a gray sprinkly Saturday afternoon and I am visiting with my friend at the library - impressing the other patrons with the quick tippy tap of my keystrokes. Giggling at Chris who is isisting that I tell her where katie is running. Isn't she fun.

I have a purpose with my ramblings. It seems I have used every excuse in the book this week not to get out as intended. While, yes, I have had some physical issues (ie pain) I could have (should have) stayed faithful to my weight program. I should have gone to the gym more. I should have walked more (I did go x's 2 - see below), but I have let myself slip back into the pit (for you Beth Moore fans) after a week of clarity and closeness with the Lord. I hate it when I give strongholds any room to grow. And yet - I do.

I am so anxious to run miles upon miles, to climb to ride, to move, to feel the wind and the sun . . . this weeks lesson - now matter what the goal it is still anxiousness - anxiety. God tells us to be anxious for nothing. So I am putting this back at His ever capable feet, and laying this again in His strong, sheltering hands and praying that He shows me the way. It is so easy to be discouraged because I am still struggling with this injury. But then I remember - this is a path God is taking me down. It is His strength that will carry me, not my own. ugh.

Monday and Wednesday
1.5 miles
not even taking time at this point. I am just thankful to be moving.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Keepin' On...

It seems to be easier (of course) on my knee towalk/jog on a treadmill so I have resigned myself toworking out at the gym until it is healed. I don'twant to waste anymore time. This will let me build up my endurance and drop some more weight.

4/09/2007 1.5 miles 30 minutes 20 minute mile
4/11/2007 1.51 miles 30 minutes 19.90 mile

I was able to jog in the middle for 3 minutes before it was too much on my knee. A little frustrating because otherwise I could have done more. But it is ok. God is using this too.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

My leg is healing - had to do nothing to let it heal. It is still a bit tight but manageable.

Today was the first morning back after almost one month. It felt good but my time was a great disappointment. As hard as it felt like I was working I shouldv'e have beaten February's PR of a 17.5 minute mile.

I did not.

Try 22 minutes

I am posting my pre-training schedule and actual schedule and times. I will do this as I go along.

Accountability is good.

Week 1 (I will stay here until I get a 17 minute mile back)
3 days 30 minutes each
17-20 minute mile pace

Arpil 4, 2007
1.5 miles / 34 minutes
22.67 minute mile